Prayer Behind Movements

We are amazed by the speed and breadth of the spread of the gospel during the lifetimes of Jesus and Paul. There are six large movements of Messianic believer groups in the New Testament, with estimates of between 1,000 and 30,000 believers each: Jerusalem, the provinces of Judea and Samaria, Antioch, the province of Galatia, the province of Macedonia, and the province of Asia Minor from Ephesus. This book describes all the prayers of the New Testament in their support of these six movements.

Prayer undergirds Messianic Movements. Biblical prayers are large prayers for God’s kingdom over obstacles. From prison Paul does disciple-making through his prayers. When the early church was threatened and afraid, they asked for and received boldness and clarity in spreading the gospel.

Disciple-making movements are growing in many places around the world. Catalysts who lead these movements are amazed at what God is doing. They are deeply committed to prayer, convinced that God is the Mover of Movements. They pray with surprising faith, expecting God to act. Will you partner with them by using these biblical prayers to guide your prayers, so that Messianic Movements multiply?

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • ISBN: 978-1-952135-06-4
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  1. Preface
  2. Prayers Jesus Taught to His Disciples Matthew, Mark, and Luke

    1. Listening Prayer
    2. Solitary Prayer
    3. A Pattern Prayer for Jesus’ Disciples
    4. Prayer Attitudes God Desires
    5. Prayer for Others
    6. Prayers for God’s Kingdom
  3. Prayers Jesus Taught to His Disciple John

    1. Prayers Centering on God as the Source of Life
    2. Prayer with Expectant Faith
    3. Jesus’ Prayer for God’s Glory through Unified Witness
  4. Prayer Behind Movements in Acts

    1. Prayer for Movement Leaders
    2. Prayer and Praise when Believers Gather
    3. Movement Leaders Guard the Priority of Prayer
    4. A Martyr’s Prayer of Surrender
    5. Prayer of Repentance
    6. Healing Prayer
    7. Listening Prayer Receives Mission Instructions
    8. Prayer for Open Doors for the Gospel When Threatened
    9. Praise for Progress of the Gospel
  5. Paul’s Prayer Patterns When With Others
    1. Prayer for Holistic Healing
    2. Prayer Listening for Mission Instructions
    3. Prayer for Leaders
    4. Prayer for Open Doors for the Gospel
  6. Paul’s ‘Disciple-Making’ Written Prayers

    1. Thanksgiving with Prayer for Believers’ Maturity
    2. Prayers of Blessing
    3. Prayer for Unbelievers
    4. Prayer for Apostolic Agents
  7. Paul’s Lessons on Prayer

    1. Exhortations to Pray
    2. Teachings on Prayer
    3. Intercessors
    4. Three Key Prayer Passages
  8. Prayer in Hebrews: Mediated by Jesus Our Great High Priest
  9. Prayer in James: With Humility and Faith

    1. Prayer with Humility When in Conflict
    2. Prayer with Faith for Healing
  10. Prayer in Peter’s Letters: Goodness, Self-Control, and Humility

    1. Unhindered Prayers of a Righteous Man
    2. Self-Control for the Sake of Prayer
    3. Prayers Casting Cares on Him who Cares For You
    4. Prayer of Blessing
  11. Prayer in John’s Letters: Confession, Certainty, and Holistic Health

    1. Prayer of Confession
    2. Certainty of Answered Prayer
    3. Prayer for Holistic Health
  12. Prayer in Jude: Blessing
  13. Praise and Worship in Revelation